...and he'll eat for a day. Teach a man how to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime."
Lately it seems that everyone guards their techniques, skills and concepts very close to the chest. Which is understandable, considering how much "homages" have turned into rip-offs, and competition is fierce. But sometimes it's like an old kung-fu movie, where the enemy has a certain secret style, and you must prostrate yourself in front of the old bearded master that lives on the Northwest hillside who is the only one that has the ultra-final-counter attack move that can't be beat. And he's not going to share anything until you clean his well, air out his mat and feed his chickens.
But sometimes, just sometimes, you fall upon someone that is just willing to help you out with some technical stuff, converse about printing theories, and give you some plain simple advice. No strings attached, no other motive than to see things work. When you get that from someone, cherish it--it's not often that someone gives something for nothing.
We'll be posting more on the Tessar Lo/M athame print process very soon, but I just wanted to give credit where credit is due. Rick from McLogans is a wizard among men.